
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Contact List using Angular:

This app has been builded on top of angular-seed.


Node.js tools to initialize and test. You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from http://nodejs.org/.

Install Dependencies

We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and angular framework code.

  • We get the tools we depend upon via npm, the [node package manager][npm].
  • We get the angular code via bower, a [client-side code package manager][bower].

npm automatically run bower so we can simply do:

npm install

Note that the bower_components folder would normally be installed in the root folder but angular-seed changes this location through the .bowerrc file. Putting it in the app folder makes it easier to serve the files by a webserver.

Run the Application

npm start

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8000/app/index.html.

Directory Layout

app/                --> all of the files to be used in production
  css/              --> css files
    app.css         --> default stylesheet
  img/              --> image files
  index.html        --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
  index-async.html  --> just like index.html, but loads js files asynchronously
  js/               --> javascript files
    app.js          --> application
    controllers.js  --> application controllers
    directives.js   --> application directives
    filters.js      --> custom angular filters
    services.js     --> custom angular services
  partials/             --> angular view partials (partial html templates)

test/               --> test config and source files
  protractor-conf.js    --> config file for running e2e tests with Protractor
  e2e/                  --> end-to-end specs
  karma.conf.js         --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
  unit/                 --> unit level specs/tests
    controllersSpec.js      --> specs for controllers
    directivessSpec.js      --> specs for directives
    filtersSpec.js          --> specs for filters
    servicesSpec.js         --> specs for services

Unit Tests

npm test

This script will start the Karma test runner to execute the unit tests. Moreover, Karma will sit and watch the source and test files for changes and then re-run the tests whenever any of them change.

Single run of the tests and then exit.

npm run test-single-run

Codeship testing