Getting started

This project was developed with Laravel 8 and powered by the development environment offered by Laravel Sail (Docker environment).

Main technologies used here:

  • PHP 8
  • MySQL 8
  • Laravel 8
  • Laravel Passport
  • JWT API Authentication
  • Laravel Sail
  • Docker / Docker-compose for development environment
  • PHPUnit
  • Laravel mix
  • React SPA front-end

It can be launched following some steps:

  1. First you need to clone from GitHub
git clone

or unpack the project code into a local folder.

  1. Get into your folder:
cd meveto-test

or another folder name if you changed the destination folder on clone or unpacking.

  1. Run composer install to get dependencies ready to use.
composer install
  1. Make a .env copy from .env.example in root folder of project and fill with your own data. Let's take a look in some variables you must care about:
  • If you are running a webserver like Apache or Nginx on your local machine, APP_PORT must be set to a different port from default (:80),
  • Running the project based on Sail you should use MySQL and db user as root, db name and password does not matter at all.
  • If you do not fill the following Laravel Sail variables, it will try to use default port values and may conflict with running applications running on host machine, like MySQL using 3306 or Redis using 6379.
# Laravel Sail
  • To work correct, is important provide also a Google Geocoding API key.
  1. Once variables were set, you should run Laravel Sail startup command:
vendor/bin/sail up
  1. Now you can access your browser and see the Laravel main page through http://localhost:8007, see that 8007 port must be the same set on APP_PORT variable.


Importing data

Even customers importing runs on startup, you can run it again anytime running:

  • If you start your app using Laravel Sail run:
vendor/bin/sail artisan import:customers
  • Otherwise just run using php:
php artisan import:customers


Before running tests, make sure your .env.testing file in root folder contains at least this two variables set:

  • If you start your app using Laravel Sail run:
vendor/bin/sail artisan test
  • Otherwise just run using php:
php artisan test

The application

This is a simple API with 4 endpoints:

(For convenience, this project has an Insomnia collection attached at storage/docs/InsomniaAPICollection.json)


Register a new user

POST /api/register
    "name": "Rafael",
    "email": "",
    "password": "12345678",
    "password_confirmation": "12345678"

Example Response

  "token": "xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz"


Login to get access token for the next requests authentication

POST /api/login
    "email": "",
    "password": "12345678",

Example Response

  "token": "xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz"

Customers | Retrieve all

Get a paginated collection of Customers, pass page parameter to get another page. You should also provide your access token as Bearer Authentication.

GET /api/customers

Example Response

    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "first_name": "Laura",
            "last_name": "Richards",
            "full_name": "Laura Richards",
            "gender": "Female",
            "city": "Warner",
            "state": "NH",
            "company": "Meezzy",
            "title": "Biostatistician III",
            "latitude": 43.2556568,
            "longitude": -71.8334145
    "links": {
        "first": "http:\/\/localhost:8007\/api\/customers?page=1",
        "last": "http:\/\/localhost:8007\/api\/customers?page=40",
        "prev": null,
        "next": "http:\/\/localhost:8007\/api\/customers?page=2"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 40,
        "links": [
                "url": null,
                "label": "« Previous",
                "active": false
                "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8007\/api\/customers?page=1",
                "label": "1",
                "active": true
                "url": "http:\/\/localhost:8007\/api\/customers?page=2",
                "label": "Next »",
                "active": false
        "path": "http:\/\/localhost:8007\/api\/customers",
        "per_page": 25,
        "to": 25,
        "total": 1000

Customers | Retrieve one by id

Get a single Customer, passing id as parameter. You should also provide your access token as Bearer Authentication.

GET /api/customers/{id}

Example Response

    "id": 1,
    "first_name": "Laura",
    "last_name": "Richards",
    "full_name": "Laura Richards",
    "gender": "Female",
    "city": "Warner",
    "state": "NH",
    "company": "Meezzy",
    "title": "Biostatistician III",
    "latitude": 43.2556568,
    "longitude": -71.8334145


Login Form

Login form

Customers list page

Login form