
Project for learning Clean Architecture concepts formulated by Robert. C. Martin

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Clean Architecture Deliberate Practice

Project for learning Clean Architecture concepts created by Robert. C. Martin


I want to learn if there is a way to develop web applications that are framework agnostic and based on what I know so far about Clean Architecture, that is one possible way of achieving it. Also, the Clean Architecture of Uncle Bob sounds to me like a very logical and natural approach for developing software, but I have doubts about how to implement it in the context of frontend development and when a stack is made of different programming languages. Therefore, my objective is to clarify these doubts and learn more in-depth the Clean Architecture concepts as formulated by Uncle Bob.

Deliberate Practice

  • Build Practice Plans:
    • Define clear goals and select learning materials
    • Create deadlines and milestones for the project
    • Estimate time required and come up with weekly schedules
  • Targetted Practice: I will develop a sample web application that implements the Clean Architecture and has its view layer in React and in Vue.
  • Immediate Feedback: I will write blog posts that summarize my learnings and practice.

Performance Goals

The goals should be real, concrete things, instead of subjective values like "I want to understand...".

  • Immediate: Read and summarize the book Clean Architecture
  • Short Term: Write a blog post that explains with my own words the main concepts of the Clean Architecture.
  • Medium Term: Create a web app in JavaScript/Typescript that implements the Clean Architecture principles. The web app will have a view layer in React and in Vue.
  • Long Term: Learn how Clean Architecture could be applied to apps that use different programming languages for Backend and Frontend. (Review this).

Project Goals

  • Outcome:
    • Create a web app in React and Vue that implements the Clean Architecture
    • Clearly define with my own words the main concepts of the Clean Architecture
    • Write 15 posts to track progress
  • Curriculum: see the Planning Doc
  • Timeframe: 2 months starting on the week of November 24th, 2020

Project Milestones

  • Read The Clean Architecture book
  • Build a Web App in React and in Vue that implements the Clean Architecture
    • Write class diagrams
    • Write flow of control diagrams
    • Write data flow diagrams
  • Write 15 reports, one for each week


Repository - robert8138/python-deliberate-practice


I got the idea to start this project from Robert Chang and created this repo having python-deliberate-practice as a model.