
A Jimple to JSON parser

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

jimple to JSON

This is a Haskell application that parses multiple jimple files and converts them into JSON


Use Haskell Stack tool for setup, or use cabal directly

stack setup


Again, if you are using Stack it is just

stack exec jimple-exe <file.jimple>


To run the tests:

stack exec jimple-exe <file.jimple>


You can create a jimple from a Java file by:

  1. Download Soot
  2. Generate the .class file using javac HelloWorld.java
  3. Run soot: java -cp soot-4.2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar soot.Main -cp . -pp -f jimple HelloWorld

For Kotlin files, the process is somewhat different.

  1. Download Soot
  2. Get the Kotlin Runtime build kotlinc -include-runtime -d output.jar ../<file>.kt
  3. Extract the Jar jar xf output.jar
  4. Run soot java -cp $HOME/soot-4.3.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar soot.Main -cp . -pp -f jimple OriginalKt -write-local-annotations -p jb use-original-names:true -keep-line-number -print-tags-in-output

Common issues

  • When dealing with Kotlin files, sometimes soot will complain about not finding annotations. This can be solved by downloading them from here. Then change the -cp . to -cp .:<path-to-annotations.jar>