Client test

  1. After downloading the code, first run the command to install all the components:
$ composer install
  1. Then setup the api address into the .env file for the API_URL variable

  2. Once everything is correct, you can use the commands listed by "bin/console"

  3. The commands related to this task are: 4.1. To list the items:

$ bin/console api:list

4.1.1. With the available options --stock=false|true and --more=0 4.1.2. The stock option will only accept false or true while the more option will only accept numerical values

4.2. To get an item:

$ bin/console api:get --id=12345

4.3. To add an item:

$ bin/console api:new 'Name of the product' 'amount in stock'

4.4. To edit an item:

$ bin/console api:edit --id=12345 'Name of the product' 'amount in stock'

4.4.1. To simplify the example, both name and amount are required parameters

4.5. To delete an item:

$ bin/console api:delete --id=12345
  1. Rules implemented 5.1. Items cannot have the same name or negative amount 5.2. Request for list cannot have values different than true/false or a non-numeric parameter for the has_more_than parameter