Laravel 5.7 REST API With Simple API Authentication
A PHP Laravel Authentication API with E-mail verification, developed with Laravel 5.7 framework.
The API has been built with two resources 1) Subcribers 2) Fields
- The Subscriber resource contain fields : email address, name, state (active, unsubscribed, junk, bounced, unconfirmed)
- The Fields resource contain fields : title, type (date, number, string, boolean)
- Each subscriber can have many fields
As it is build on the Laravel framework, it has a few system requirements. Of course, all of these requirements are satisfied by the Laravel Homestead virtual machine, so it's highly recommended that you use Homestead as your local Laravel development environment.
However, if you are not using Homestead, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- MySql >= 5.7
- Composer
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
You can check all the laravel related dependecies here .
Installation steps
Follow the bellow steps to install and set up the application.
Step 1: Clone the Application
You can download the ZIP file or git clone from my repo into your project directory.
Step 2: Configure the Application
After you clone the repo in to your project folder the project need to be set up by following commands-
In terminal go to your project directory and Run
composer install
Then copy the .env.example file to .env file in the project root folder
Edit the .env file and fill all required data for the bellow variables
APP_URL=http://localhost //your application domain URL go here DB_HOST= // Your DB host IP. Here we are assumed it to be local host DB_PORT=3306 //Port if you are using except the default DB_DATABASE=name_of_your_database DB_USERNAME=db_user_name DB_PASSWORD=db_password
To set the Application key run the bellow command in your terminal.
php artisan key:generate
Make your storage and bootstrapp folder writable by your application user.
Create all the necessary tables need for the application by runing the bellow command.
php artisan migrate
Fill default data if your need by running bellow command.
php artisan db:seed
Thats all! The application is configured now.
API Endpoints and Routes
Laravel follows the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern I have creatd models associated with each resource. You can check in the routes/api.php file for all the routes that map to controllers in order to send out JSON data that make requests to our API.
Bellow are the all resources API endpoints -
GET | api/fields | api,auth:api
POST | api/fields | api,auth:api
GET | api/fields/{field} | api,auth:api
PUT | api/fields/{field} | api,auth:api
DELETE | api/fields/{field} | api,auth:api
POST | api/login | api,guest
POST | api/logout | api
POST | api/register | api,guest
GET | api/subscribers | api,auth:api
POST | api/subscribers | api,auth:api
GET | api/subscribers/{subscriber} | api,auth:api
PUT | api/subscribers/{subscriber} | api,auth:api
DELETE | api/subscribers/{subscriber}| api,auth:api
API Authentication
All the api endpoints are protected by a simple API Authentication process. To access the resource data, the request header need api_token field. The api_token value need to be taken from the api/login API by passing valid username and password.
Example Of Login API request
$ curl -X POST appurl/api/login \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d "{\"email\": \"\", \"password\": \"1234\" }"
Response Of Valid Login API
"data": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Default",
"email": "",
"email_verified_at": "2018-11-23 15:01:31",
"api_token": "fHsLHoHXpdqgYH8VPBFn1yEa5NV3NrxmizZUMuMxtSxZr60HfB",
"created_at": "2018-11-23 15:01:31",
"updated_at": "2018-11-26 16:27:07"
To send the token in a request, you can do it by sending an attribute api_token as a bearer token in the request headers in the form of Authorization: Bearer fHsLHoHXpdqgYH8VPBFn1yEa5NV3NrxmizZUMuMxtSxZr60HfB
Example Of Api Request Using Auth Api Token
$ curl -X POST appurl/api/subscribers \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer fHsLHoHXpdqgYH8VPBFn1yEa5NV3NrxmizZUMuMxtSxZr60HfB" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d "{\"email\": \"\", \"password\": \"1234\" }"
Test Case
I have created several test case to test all the API endpoints by using Laravel PHPUnit with a phpunit.xml set up.
There are 16 test cases written to test the API endpoint crud operation, present in the tests/Feature folder. You can write more test case to test other scenario as well by adding test method in their respective file.
To execute all the test case, move to the project root folder in terminal and then run -
composer test
Third party library used and configuration
I have used a third party librery for email domain validation check. The package I have used here is .
Set the API key for your quick email verification account in the config/emailValidator.php file. This is needed to check the active email domain.