
A sample project integrating Pure Data with iOS Inter-App Audio

Primary LanguageSwift

Pure Data Inter-App Audio

A sample project integrating Pure Data with iOS Inter-App Audio

To make the code works you need:

  1. Enable Inter-App Audio Capability
  2. Enable Background Modes Capability with Audio, AirPlay, and Picture In Picture checked
  3. Install the following dependency using CocoaPods:

pod 'libpd', :git => 'https://github.com/libpd/libpd', :submodules => true

  1. Configure the Info.plist properly with:

a) Core Foundation Bundle Display Name (somethimes Inter-App Audio doesn't works without that)


b) UIBackgroundModes audio (it's already there if you made step 2)


c) The audio component.

    <string>pdia</string> <!-- Put a 4 bytes unique name here, it's cannot be the same as any Inter-App Audio App installed. -->
    <string>PureData</string> <!-- Plugin name -->
    <string>iasp</string> <!-- Always iasp for Inter-App Audio -->
    <string>aurg</string> <!-- Always aurg for Remote Generator Audio Unit (you also have Effects, Music Effects and Instruments) -->
    <integer>1</integer> <!-- Always 1 -->

This should match exactly the code inside Inter-App Audio publish configuration

/// Make the app audio system be searcheable by another apps. This is the Inter-App audio foundation
func publishInterAppAudioUnit(audioUnit: AudioUnit) {
    let pluginName = "PureData"
    let subType = "iasp"
    let manufacturer = "pdia"
    let version: UInt32 = 1

    for var description in [
            componentType: kAudioUnitType_RemoteGenerator,
            componentSubType: stringToFourCharCode(subType),
            componentManufacturer: stringToFourCharCode(manufacturer),
            componentFlags: 0,
            componentFlagsMask: 0
    ] {
            pluginName as CFString,
        ), details: "AudioOutputUnitPublish failed")