Send the entire Shrek or Bee Movie script via Telegram!
This code sends a large amount of text via Telegram line by line. Telegram reserves the right to consider that you are making good or bad use of the platform. The values are tuned so that it does not cause problems, but I cannot guarantee this. Use this code at your own risk! And just to combat SPAM!!!
- Open the chat of the person who is spamming you
- Open your browser's development tools (F12)
- Copy and paste the code into the javascript "console"
- Hit enter
- Enjoy the counter-attack
Refresh the browser window (F5) or close it.
The copyright of Shrek or Bee Movie script belongs to Dreamworks Animation and is only added as a popular meme. If there were any legal problems, they would be deleted from the repository, leaving only the shipping code. Dreamworks Animation has nothing to do with this project.
This project is based on Matt Fontes' project for Whatsapp: