"Functional programmers can not write quicksort /It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s that I just don’t care/" Sean Parent

My C++ development environment

Editor: Atom (goog integration with github) with plugins:

  • autocomplete-clang
  • linter-clang If your project has some extra include directories, put them in a file called ".clang_complete" (in root dir) and list them line by line. Spaces must not be escaped or surraouded by "", example:
-Ilib/dir with spaces/include

Category theory intuitions

  • Think of a Functor as a way to create a picture of one category inside another.
  • Natural transformations are meant to capture the idea that a transformation is “natural” in the sense of not depending on any arbitrary choices. The components of α are reusabe - depend on the objects A and B but not on the arrow f. If f represents any other arrow from A to B in the original category, the same arrows αA and αB fill in the diagram.