
Repository for Statistical Learning Methods [223490-0286] - Summer semester 2019/20

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Repository for Statistical Learning Methods [223490-0286] - Summer semester 2019/20

Links to Team meetings for Class 2 18.03.2020

17:10 - R code


19:00 - Python code


All groups are invited (if you can't join there are additional materials in Class2 folder), meeting is mandatory for groups 104 and 105.

Voting on languages used during the course:



Name: Łukasz Kraiński

Email: lukasz.krainski123@gmail.com


• lecturer: Bogumił Kamiński

• laboratories: Groups 100 and 101 – Michał Kot, Group 102 – Kinga Siuta, Group 103 - Agata Skorupka, Groups 104 and 105 – Łukasz Kraiński


• lectures: Tuesdays, 8:00-10:35, Aula IV

• laboratories: room A-113 (day and hour according to group division)


Date Subject
25-02-20 Introduction to data science; McKinsey case study
03-03-20 Working with Git and Github
10-03-20 Introduction to Julia programming for data science
17-03-20 Introduction to predictive modeling
24-03-20 Introduction to threading and distributed computing K-nearest neighbors algorithm
31-03-20 Methods of evaluation of predictive model quality
07-04-20 Working with data frames in Julia
21-04-20 Methods of predictive model selection
28-04-20 Regularization for predictive modeling
05-05-20 Introduction to approximation and local predictive models
12-05-20 Introduction to deep learning
19-05-20 Causality modeling: introduction
26-05-20 Causality modeling: algorithms
02-06-20 Storytelling with data
09-06-20 Data science in production environments + written examination


# Subject
1 Refresher on R and Python programming
2 Methods of evaluation of classifiers
3 Nonparametric regression models: smoothing spline, LOESS, GAM
4 Classical machine learning models: CART, random forest
5 Deep learning
6 Modeling competition
7 Computer exam


Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra (http://vmls-book.stanford.edu/)

Gareth J., Witten D., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. (2013), An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R (http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/)

Hastie T., Tibshirani R., Friedman J. (2013), The Elements of Statistical Learning (http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/)

Optional: Kamiński B., Zawisza M. (2012), Receptury w R. Podręcznik dla ekonomisty, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (http://bogumilkaminski.pl/projekty/)

Optional: B. Kamiński, P. Szufel: Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook, Packt Publishing, 2018 (https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/julia-10-programming-cookbook)

Course evaluation criteria

• Written examination (50 points); during last lecture; no supporting materials are allowed

• Laboratory examination (50 points); during last examination; you can bring your own printed materials

• Possible extra points: homeworks, competition

Grading rules

From To Final grade
0 49 2.0
50 59 3.0
60 69 3.5
70 79 4.0
80 89 4.5
90 100 5.0