

Primary LanguageJava


HTTP based RPC for java similar to HttpInvoker


Build Status


Harrison provides a RPC framework with streaming support for large uploads or downloads.

It provides easy integration in spring based applications and uses intensively Apache HttpClient.

Remote service interface example

    public int compute(String a, String b);

	public String streamUp(String a, String b, StreamIterable<String> stream);

	public StreamIterable<String> streamDown(String a, String b, StreamIterable<String> stream);

	public StreamIterable<String> streamUpDown(String a, String b, StreamIterable<String> stream);

	public StreamIterable<DataDTO> dataDown(Parameter po, StreamIterable<DataDTO> stream);

StreamIterable is the object used to write objects to the data stream or to iterate through it. It can be created with ClientUtil.createStreamIterable().

Clients can be created with the help of ClientProxyFactory and the server side can be configured with spring:

    <bean id="TestBean" class = "com.bzsoft.harrison.service.impl.TestServiceImpl"/>

    <bean name="/test" class="com.bzsoft.harrison.server.spring.HarrisonServiceExporter"
        p:service-ref="TestBean" p:serviceInterface="com.bzsoft.harrison.service.TestService" />

Client can choose Java based serialization or Kryo serialization.

Standard call

Standard RPC call with some parameters and a result value.

Stream call

RPC call that read or return a stream of java objects. Stream calls must have StreamIterable as last parameter of the method signature.

Message format

  • Standard call
    • Client:
Field Size
Magic 4 bytes
Version 4 bytes
Serialization type 1 byte
Call type 1 byte
Method name String
Args length 4 bytes
Args Object list
  • Server
Field Size
Success 1 bytes
Result Object
  • Stream call


Task list

  • Improve tests.
  • Improve documentation.

As Kanye West said:

We're living the future so the present is our past.