Sample nuxt app

This is a simple nuxt application use to fetch, submit and edit data from an external database.

The employees app is reachable via

App is not production ready


This project runs using DDEV, below are the steps to get project running on Mac (similar steps for Windows/Linux, check the link below for reference).

Get started

Install Docker

Only needed if you don't already have docker in your environment.

brew install homebrew/cask/docker

Docker Provider

You will also need to install a docker provider. There are a few options out there, but here are our top 3 options

  • Colima - Recommended by ddev, but does not have GUI
  • Docker Desktop App
  • Orbstack - Alternative to Docker Desktop and claims to run lighter, faster and less cpu/hd hungry (Soon to become paid)

If using Colima, you can start docker with:

colima start --cpu 4 --memory 6 --disk 100 --vm-type=qemu --mount-type=sshfs --dns=

Install DDEV

brew install ddev/ddev/ddev

Install mkcert (required for localhost SSL)

Only needed if you don't already have mkcert in your environment.

brew install mkcert nss
mkcert -install

Firefox will still flag custom https localhost domains as not having valid certificate

Start project

ddev start

The first time you start your project or after machine restarts, you can be prompted to provide your password in order to add the custom domain to your hosts file.

Once the project is running, you'll need to first install the npm dependencies.

ddev yarn install

Once the dependencies are installed you can start the frontend in dev mode using ddev yarn dev

If you wish to run the build version you will need to build the app and then start it

ddev yarn build
ddev yarn start

Todo - Improvements

  • Playwright & Vitest tests
  • Graph for companies average salaries
  • Better error handling for file upload and API errors (Raygun implementation?)
  • Better indicator and animations for file upload