
This is a demo showing how to use Delphi to query ChatGPT and see answers.

Primary LanguagePascal


This is a demo showing how to use Delphi to query ChatGPT and see answers.

ICS is used to query ChatGPT using their API. You need to generate an API key by using this website: https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys OpenSSL is used for HTTPS request. OpenSSL code is in libcrypto-1_1.dll and libssl-1_1.dll which you can find in ICS distribution or at many places on the Internet. You can get ICS source code using Delphi IDE GetIT package manager or download it from http://wiki.overbyte.be (The download include required OpenSSL for both 32 and 64 bits).

If you need help, please use this forum: https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/37-ics-internet-component-suite/