
A simple cache simulator written in Rust

The Cache is a 3-dimensional array

  • The x, y dimensions define the basic structure of the cache table:
    • y: the cache entries
    • x: the content of the cache entries: Valid bit (V), Dirty bit (D), TAG
  • The z dimension is the associativity:
    • 1 (direct mapped), set associative (2, 4, 8, etc.)

Command line example

msimcache --size 64 --block 32 --assoc 2 --write 0 --evict 0 --trace example1.trace

  • --size Cache size in KiB
  • -block Block size in Byte
  • --assoc associativity:
    • 1 (direct mapped)
    • 2, 4, 8, etc. (set associative)
    • 0 (full associative)
  • --write write behaviour
    • 0 write back / write allocate
    • 1 write through / non write allocate
  • --evict eviction strategy
    • 0 RANDOM
    • 1 FIFO
    • 2 LRU
  • -trace trace file

Creating the data structure

Computing the size of the data structure from the arguments Assumptions:

  • The adresses are 32 bit long
  • The cache size is given in KiB
  • The block size is given in Byte
  • The associativity is given as the number of slots

We need associativity, number of sets and TAG size

Index bits: bi = log2 s + 10 - log2 b - log2 a

Offset bits: bo = log2 b

TAG bits: bt = 32 - bi - bo