
Express middleware for better data and error handling per route

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An express middleware for better data and error handling per route.

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npm install ponds



Each pond corresponds with a way of handling data and errors for a set of your endpoints, and are supposed to handle the response for two scenarios: success and error.

Let's define a couple ponds for two different API response formats:

File: ponds-setup.js

import ponds from 'ponds';

ponds.set('api_1', {
  data(data, req, res) {
      status: 'success',
      data: data
  error(err, req, res) {
      status: 'error',
      error: err

ponds.set('api_2', {
  data(data, req, res) {
      data: data,
      error: null
  error(err, req, res) {
      data: null,
      error: err

Once defined, we can use them in our routes:

File: app.js

import express from 'express';
import ponds from 'ponds';
import routes from './routes';
import './ponds-setup';

const app = express();

// By default, ponds includes a 404 handler that ships a
// NotFound PublicError (see errors and PublicError)
app.use(routes, ponds.get('api_2'));

// In this case, as we're not doing app.use() for a set of routes,
// we can't have the NotFound error, so we passe `false`as a second param.
app.get('/myRoute', (req, res, next) => {
  // Instead of sending the response,
  // we send our data to next().
  // If it's an error, it'll be handled by our error handler;
  // otherwise it'll go through our data handler
  next({ some: 'data', foo: 'else' });
}, ponds.get('api_1', false));

Hence, if we send a get request to /myRoute, as it has a next pond api_1, we'd get: { error: null, data: { some: 'data', foo: 'else' } }.

File: routes.js

import { Router } from 'express';

const router = Router();

router.get('/routes/foo', (req, res, next) => {
  // Instead of sending the response,
  // we send our data to next().
  // If it's an error, it'll be handled by our error handler;
  // otherwise it'll go through our data handler
  next({ other: 'data', foo: 'else' });

export default router;

Hence, as all routes in routes.js have a next pond api_2 middleware, if we send a get request to /routes/foo, we'd get: { status: 'success', data: { other: 'data', foo: 'else' } }.


ponds.set(name, handler)

Sets a pond handler.

  • name: string, the name of the handler.
  • handler: object, with keys:
    • data: function, with signature (data, req, res):
      • data: any, the data sent to next by the controller.
      • req: object, an express request object.
      • res: object, an express response object.
    • error: function, with signature (error, req, res):
      • error: Error, an error sent to next by the controller.
      • req: object, an express request object.
      • res: object, an express response object.
import ponds from 'ponds';

ponds.set('api_1', {
  data(data, req, res) {
      status: 'success',
      data: data
  error(err, req, res) {
      status: 'error',
      error: err

ponds.get(name, notFound?)

Returns a previously set handler as an express middleware.

  • name: string, the name of the handler.
  • notFound: boolean, optional. If true, ponds.get() will return an array, its first element being a handler that will next() a NotFound PublicError; if false, it will return a single final handler for the next()'ed data/error. Default: true.
import ponds from 'ponds';

app.get('/myRoute', (req, res, next) => {
  next({ some: 'data', foo: 'else' });
}, ponds.get('api_1', false));


Returns true if a pond has been set, false otherwise.

  • name: string, the name of the handler.
import ponds from 'ponds';

ponds.exists('api_1'); // true
ponds.exists('foo_pond'); // false


Sets a data/error transform that will execute before the next()'ed data is received by any pond handler. It's particularly useful to reformat errors from different libraries to a PublicError in order for them to be handled by the pond error handler.

  • transform: object, with keys:
    • data: function, optional, receives and should return any data.
    • error: function, optional, receives and should return an error.
import ponds, { PublicError, errors } from 'ponds';

  error(err) {
    if (err instanceof SomeDbLibError) {
      return new PublicError(errors.Database, { err });
    return err;



Wraps a middleware function sending to next() any returned data and catching any thrown errors (also sent to next()).

  • cb: function, with signature (req, res):
    • req: object, an express request object.
    • res: object, an express response object.
import ponds, { dispatch, PublicError, errors } from 'ponds';

const controller = dispatch((req, res) => {
  if (!req.body.somethingRequired) {
    throw new PublicError(
      { info: `Request didn't have "somethingRequired".` }
  return {
    some: 'data',
    foo: 'else'

app.get('/myRoute', controller, ponds.get('api_1', false));


Same as dispatch() for an object of functions.

  • obj: object, with any number of keys and values of functions, with signature (req, res):
    • req: object, an express request object.
    • res: object, an express response object.
import ponds, { dispatch, PublicError, errors } from 'ponds';

const controllers = dispatch.all({
  myRoute(req, res) {
    if (!req.body.somethingRequired) {
      throw new PublicError(
        { info: `Request didn't have "somethingRequired".` }
    return {
      some: 'data',
      foo: 'more data'
  otherRoute(req, res) {
    return { some: 'other', foo: 'else' };

app.get('/myRoute', controller.myRoute, ponds.get('api_1', false));
app.get('/otherRoute', controllers.otherRoute, ponds.get('api_1', false));


This library includes an Error type to handle additional information regarding the status code, information, and stack.


  • new PublicError(type, additional?)

    • type: object, with keys (see the predefined errors types below):
      • id: string.
      • message: string.
      • status: number.
    • additional: object, optional, with keys:
      • info: any, optional, provides any additional information to be accessed via the instance.info property.
      • err: Error, optional, provides the original error, of any kind, a PublicError had as a cause.
  • Properties

    • id: string.
    • pascalId: string, same as id but replacing any letter following _ for it's uppercase variant. Example: for some_id, it's pascalId would be someId.
    • message: string.
    • status: number.
    • info: any.
    • child: Error, the error passed as additional.err to the PublicError instance, if any.
    • first: PublicError, the first (bottom) error that is an instance of PublicError when following the child chain.

Because you can store the origin errors a PublicError had as a cause (which can be another PublicError), it'd be possible to throw several PublicErrors in a chain, and access the first via the last thrown.

import { dispatch, PublicError, errors } from 'ponds';

async function service() {
  // let's assume something happened
  throw Error('Something happened');

async function dbQuery() {
  try {
    return service();
  } catch(err) {
    throw new PublicError(errors.Database, { err });

async function controller() {
  try {
  } catch(err) {
    throw new PublicError(errors.Server, { err });

try {
} catch(err) {
  // `err` would be a Server PublicError
  // `err.first` would be a Database PublicError
  // `err.first.child` would be an Error with message "Something happened"


ponds exports an object with some predefined error types:

  • Server: { id: 'server', message: 'Server error', status: 500 },
  • NotFound: { id: 'not_found', message: 'Server Not Found', status: 404 },
  • Unauthorized: { id: 'unauthorized', message: "You don't have access to this resource", status: 401 },
  • RequestValidation: { id: 'request_validation', message: 'Invalid request', status: 400 },
  • Database: { id: 'database', message: 'Database error', status: 500 },
  • DatabaseValidation: { id: 'database_validation', message: 'Invalid database request', status: 500 },
  • DatabaseNotFound: { id: 'database_not_found', message: 'Item not found in database', status: 500 }
import { PublicError, errors } from 'ponds';

new PublicError(errors.Server, { info: 'Some additional information' });