
Proppy's missing pieces

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Proppy's missing pieces


npm install proppy-extend

It's required to have proppy@^1.2.6 in order to use proppy-extend: npm install proppy.


Plugins and config

Setup must be done at the beginning of your application entry point, before other files that use proppy-extend are imported. It is required to at least register a connector plugin for your views framework. For now, only the React integration is available, though contributions are welcomed.


import 'babel-polyfill';

import './setup';

// ...other imports

Instead of having each plugin published as a different package, all plugins live within the plugins folder. Check the available plugins here.


import { config } from 'proppy-extend';
import connector from 'proppy-extend/plugins/react';

config.options({ /* my options object */ });


  • middlewares: Proppy functions.

In order to use proppy-extend functions, you must use the provided attach() instead of the one provided by proppy's framework-specific package.

attach() can also perform composition by itself, so explicit usage of compose (attach(compose(...middlewares))) is unneded.

import React from 'react';
import { attach, intercept } from 'proppy-extend';
import { withProps } from 'proppy';

const enhance = attach(
  intercept((props) => !props.ready, () => <div>Component Not Ready</div>),
  withProps({ hello: 'world' })

export default enhance(MyComponent);


ensemble(initialState, callback)

Share state between already created single functions.

  • initialState: Object.
  • callback: Function, taking state. Use state.get() and state.set() to get or set any state property: (state) => proppyFunction.
import { compose, withObservable } from 'proppy'
import { ensemble, intercept } from 'proppy-extend';

  { ready: false },
  (state) => compose(
    withObservable((props) => {
      return props.myObservable$.pipe(tap(() => state.set('ready', true)));
    intercept(() => !state.get('ready'), () => <div>Stream not ready!</div>)


Manipulates the component view/render to allow for traditional component composition when needed. withViews() will always run last within the proppy flow.

  • callbacks: Any number of component returning functions; or strings when previously registered on setup: (Component) => ModifiedComponent.
import React from 'react';
import { attach, withViews } from 'proppy-extend';

const getTopComponent = (Component) => (props) => {
    <p>This is the top component</p>
    <Component {...props} />

const getInnerComponent = (Component) => (props) => {
    <p>This is the inner component</p>
    <Component {...props} />

export default attach(
  withViews(getTopComponent, getInnerComponent)

withViews can also take a string with the view name when previously registered via options on setup:


import { observer } from 'mobx-react';

// ...

  views: {
    mobx: observer,
    top: (Component) => (props) => {
        <p>This is the top component</p>
        <Component {...props} />
import { withViews } from 'proppy-extend';

withViews('mobx', 'top');

intercept(test, callback)

Similar to withViews(), but will only run if a condition is met, that is, when test returns truthy.

  • test: Function, (props) => true
  • callback: Function, (Component) => ModifiedComponent
import { intercept } from 'proppy-extend';

  (props) => !!props.iWantToIntercept,
  (Component) => (props) => <div>I intercepted</div>


Merges providers with props.

import { withProviders } from 'proppy-extend';



Calls callback on initialization.

  • callback: Function, (props, providers) => { /* do stuff */ }
import { onInit } from 'proppy-extend';

onInit((props) => { /* do stuff */ });


Shorthand for a null function. Useful for conditional usage, particularly with ensemble.

import { none } from 'proppy-extend';


withProps(options?, callback)

  • options: Object or string, optional.
    • As an object, it can have keys:
      • as: String, it'll pass the observable results as a single property. Default: null.
      • onChange: Boolean, it will not only update when mobx observables fire, but also when parent props change. Default: false.
    • If as a string, it will serve as options.as.
  • callback: Function, : (props, providers) => props
import { attach, withProps } from 'proppy-extend';

withProps('styles', (props) => ({
  root: {
    fontFamily: props.size,
    width: '100%'
  inner: {
    background: 'red'



Requires react@^16.5.0 and proppy-react@^1.2.6: npm install react proppy-react.

Allows you to use proppy-extend with react. It must be registered on setup:


import { config } from 'proppy-extend';
import connector from 'proppy-extend/plugins/react';



Requires rxjs@^6.0.0 and proppy-rx@^1.2.6: npm install rxjs proppy-rx.

It must be registered on setup:


import { config } from 'proppy-extend';
import rx from 'proppy-extend/plugins/rx';


withObservable(options?, callback)

  • options: Object or string, optional.
    • As an object, it can have keys:
      • as: String, it'll pass the observable results as a single property. Default: null.
      • wait: Boolean, if true, the component won't render until the observable has resolved. Default: true.
      • validate: Object, a JSON schema to validate the result agains. If failed, it will be filtered. Default: null.
    • If as a string, it will serve as options.as.
  • callback: Function, called on initialization: (props, providers) => props.myStream$
import { attach, withObservable } from 'proppy-extend';

withObservable('item', (props) => props.item$)

withStream(options?, callback)

Same as withObservable() but callback receives an stream of props.

  • options: Same as withObservable(), optional.
  • callback: Function, called on initialization, (props$, providers) => props$
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { attach, withStream } from 'proppy-extend';

withObservable('item', (props$) => props$.switchMap(
  (props) => props.item$


Requires mobx@^5.0.0: npm install mobx.

It must be registered on setup:


import { config } from 'proppy-extend';
import mobx from 'proppy-extend/plugins/mobx';


withComputed(options?, callback)

  • options: Object or string, optional.
    • As an object, it can have keys:
      • as: String, it'll pass the observable results as a single property. Default: null.
      • onChange: Boolean, it will not only update when mobx observables fire, but also when parent props change. Default: false.
    • If as a string, it will serve as options.as.
  • callback: Function, : (props, providers) => providers.store.myObservable
import { attach, withComputed } from 'proppy-extend';

withComputed('styles', (_, { store }) => ({
  root: {
    fontFamily: store.theme.fontFamily,
    width: '100%'
  inner: {
    background: store.theme.innerBg