
A list of meetups, companies, open source projects and other resources made in Spain related to Elixir.

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Elixir In Spain

PRs Welcome

A list of meetups, companies, open source projects and other resources made in Spain related to Elixir.

Table Of Contents


Spanish companies which use Elixir to build their products.

Name Sector URL Twitter LinkedIn Location
Bizneo HR HR Software bizneo.com @BizneoHR Bizneo Madrid (Madrid)
Cabify Transportation cabify.com @cabify_espana Cabify Madrid (Madrid)


Spanish meetup groups focused in Elixir and Erlang.

Name Organizer URL Twitter Location
Elixir Asturias Iván González (Github) Meetup Group @elixirasturias Gijón (Asturias)
Elixir Barcelona Mohamed Boudra (Github), Zimakki (Github) Meetup Group @ElixirBarcelona Barcelona (Cataluña)
Madrid Elixir Rafael Luque (Github), Jorge Franco (Github) Meetup Group @MadElixir Madrid (Madrid)

Open Source Projects

Spanish open source projects made with Elixir.

Name Made By Github Repository URL Twitter
Decoratex Rubén Sierra (Github) github.com/acutario/decoratex - -
Elixir Jobs Óscar de Arriba (Github) github.com/odarriba/elixir_jobs elixirjobs.net @jobs_elixir
Frankt Cristian Álvarez (Github) github.com/acutario/frankt - -
Ravenx Óscar de Arriba (Github) github.com/acutario/ravenx - -
Trans Cristian Álvarez (Github) github.com/crbelaus/trans - -

This project is part of the elixirasturias organization. This means that it adheres to its core values, code of conduct, and uses an equivalent license.