
Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from Safari Books Online library.

Primary LanguagePython


Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from Safari Books Online library.
I'm not responsible for the use of this program, this is only for personal and educational purpose.
Before any usage please read the O'Reilly's Terms of Service.

This repo is forked from lorenzodifuccia


Requirements & Setup:

$ git clone https://github.com/rafapc2/safaribooks.git
Cloning into 'safaribooks'...

$ cd safaribooks/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


$ pipenv install && pipenv shell

The program depends of only two Python 3 modules:


The file cookies.json is needed for mantain the http session in Safari, if login fail, you must follow the following steps: TODO :(


It's really simple to use, just choose a book from the library and replace in the following command:

  • X-es with its ID,
  • email:password with your own.
$ python3 safaribooks.py --cred "account_mail@mail.com:password01" XXXXXXXXXXXXX

The ID is the digits that you find in the URL of the book description page:
Like: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/test-driven-development-with/9781491958698/

for more info just type:

$ python3 safaribooks.py --help

Docker Container:

Make your own container

$ docker build -t mysafaribooks .

Execute and enjoy :)

mkdir Books
docker run --rm -itv "$(pwd)/Books:/data/Books" mysafaribooks --cred "user@xxxmail.com:password" XXXXXXXXXXXXX