
React component for highlighting bits of text within a textarea

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React component for highlighting bits of text within a textarea

NPM JavaScript Style Guide Yarn Test


npm install --save react-highlight-within-textarea


import React from 'react';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { HighlightWithinTextarea } from 'react-highlight-within-textarea'

const Example = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState("X Y Z and then XYZ");
  return (
      onChange= {event => setValue(event.target.value)}

The highlight property accepts several different types of values to describe what will be highlighted. You can see the various ways to highlight things, along with example code, on the demo page.


There are two notable elements within this component. These are the textarea and its surrounding container which facilitates the highlighting. Unless otherwise specified below, properties will be applied to the textarea. Some customization (like width) will need to be applied to both.

value: In React, you must supply a value and update it within the textarea.

onChange: In React, you must supply an onChange function that updates the value.

highlight: This specifies what to highlght. For more info, see the demo page.

containerStyle: Some textarea styles will also have to be applied to the surrounding container. This directly applies to the container.

containerClassName: This adds classes to the surrounding container.

all-other-properties: All other properties will be directly applied to the textarea.

Known Issues

Currently, textarea resizing is not supported.


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