That is just another directive to manage button loaders, useful for waiting times like ajax calls and so. Why create another directive fo this??? Because I have not find anyone as simple as I need or as customizable as I want, so I decided to create my own.
Just like any other angular directive, include the "btnLoader" dependency on your Angular module:
var myapp = angular.module('MyApp', ['btnLoader'])
And then use the html attribute
<button btn-loader btn-condition="custom_condition">BUTTON</button>
The button loader is fully configurable from html attributes. Below you can see the list of configurable options:
btn-loader // Required to include the directive
btn-condition="custom_condition" // Set the variable to change state
btn-keepsize="true" // Keep the same size in both states
ng-disabled="custom_condition" // Add disable state
btn-include="'noTemplate.html'" // Add custom template
btn-texts="{load:'Load', loading: 'loading...'}" // Fast customization for texts
btn-icons="{load:'fa fa-save', loading: 'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse'}" // Fast customization for icons
btn-color="'255,255,255'" // Customize default spinner color ( '' are mandatory )
If condition doesn't work because of the scopes issues you can forze it with an event passing the parameter "bool" (dafault false)
$scope.$broadcast('btn-loader', bool)
Custom templates give you the oportunity to make your own button-loader fast and easily. Create a template with both states and wrap them into tags with "ng-hide="active"" and "ng-show="active"" like this:
<span ng-hide="active">
<span>My custom text</span>
<i>My custom icon</i>
<span ng-show="active">
<span>My custom text for waiting state</span>
<i>My custom icon for waiting state</i>