
This is my Portfolio website and Android Application, both developed using Flutter. 🚀

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 My Portfolio

Welcome to my personal portfolio website, crafted using Flutter! 🌐

This repository houses the source code for my dynamic personal portfolio built with Flutter. It serves as a showcase of my skills, experiences, and projects, providing visitors with an immersive and visually appealing experience.

Portfolio Website

🌟 Portfolio Features

User-Facing Features:

  1. Home Screen: A captivating landing page showcasing your portfolio highlights. 🏠
  2. Splash Screen: A visually appealing introduction to your website, setting the tone for your portfolio. 💦
  3. Experiences Page: Highlighting your professional experiences and achievements in an engaging format. 🌟
  4. Project Page: Showcasing your projects with stunning visuals and detailed descriptions. 💼
  5. About Me Section: Providing insight into your background, skills, and passions to connect with visitors. 👨‍💼
  6. Blog Support: A platform to share your thoughts, insights, and experiences with a wider audience. ✍️
  7. Contact Me Page with Firebase: Seamless communication channel powered by Firebase integration. 📧
  8. Blog Post UI: A user-friendly interface for browsing, filtering, and searching blog posts with ease. 🔍
  9. Responsive Design: Ensuring optimal viewing experience across various devices and screen sizes, providing seamless navigation and readability. 📱🖥️
  10. New Features and Major Changes: Continual enhancements and updates to elevate the functionality and aesthetics of your portfolio website. 🚀
  11. Android and Web Support: Using Flutter, the project supports multiple platforms. You can access it on both Android devices and the website.

Admin Features:

  1. Admin Login: Secure access to manage and update your portfolio content effortlessly. 🔒
  2. OTP Support: Enhanced security with one-time password authentication for admin login. 📲
  3. Admin Dashboard: An intuitive interface to manage messages, blog posts, and other website content efficiently. 🖥️
  4. Crash Detection & Analysis: Proactive monitoring and analysis of crashes for both Android and web platforms. 🚨

Project Live:

Embark on a journey through my portfolio website and uncover the depths of my skills, projects, and technological endeavors. Immerse yourself in the showcase available at rafay99.com and delve into my world. Discover who I am through my work and experiences. 🚀🌐

📜 License

For licensing details, please refer to the LICENSE file.

Installation Instructions:

To run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Project:

    • Click on the "Fork" button on the top right of the project's GitHub page to create a copy in your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the Project:

    • Open your terminal and run the following command, replacing USER_NAME with your GitHub username:
      git clone https://github.com/USER_NAME/Portfolio.git
  3. Install Flutter Version 3.19:

    • Ensure you have Flutter installed. If not, download and install Flutter version 3.19 by following the official Flutter installation guide.
  4. Install Dependencies:

    • Navigate to the project directory using the terminal:
      cd Portfolio
    • Run the following command to install project dependencies:
      flutter pub get
  5. Run the Project:

    • Start the project using the following command:
      flutter run -d chrome
    • This will launch the project in a Chrome browser. You can replace -d chrome with the desired device identifier.

By following these steps, you should be able to set up and run the project locally on your machine. If you encounter any issues, refer to the project's documentation or seek help from the Flutter community.


👋 About the Author

Hi there! I'm Abdul Rafay, the author of this project. I developed it using Flutter and Firebase. If you have any questions, feedback, or simply want to connect, don't hesitate to reach out to me! 📩

You can contact me via email at 99marafay@gmail.com. 📧

Alternatively, you can leave a message on my website. 💬

Looking forward to hearing from you! 😊

Special Thanks

A heartfelt thank you to @Smalick0478 for their exceptional contributions to our code development. Your expertise and dedication have elevated the quality of our project, and we appreciate your collaborative spirit.

🚀 Thank you for making a significant impact!

🤝 Get Involved

We welcome contributions from everyone! If you have an idea for an improvement, feature, or bug fix, feel free to open a pull request. We value your input and appreciate any help you can offer to make this project even better. 🌟

Thank you for considering contributing to our project! 🚀