- PHP 7.x
- Curl Extension / Enabled
Add these constants to your file
Most of these constants can be retrieved from JazzCash Merchant Portal
// Merchant ID
define('JC_MERCHANT_ID', "");
// Password (auto generated)
define('JC_PASS', "");
// Integrity Salt (auto generated)
define('JC_SALT', "");
// Change only if URLs are different
define('JC_LIVE_URL', 'https://production.jazzcash.com.pk');
define('JC_SANDBOX_URL', 'https://sandbox.jazzcash.com.pk');
// include file
require 'jazzcash/jazzcash.php';
// initialize jazzcash rest api library
$jc = new Jazzcash;
// request type
$jc->reqType = 'Authorize';
// request data
"pp_Amount" => "", // Amount
"pp_InstrToken" => "", // If saved card/or details otherwise leave empty
"pp_InstrumentType" => "CARD", // card
"pp_TxnDateTime" => date("YmdHisu"), // transaction date time
"pp_TxnRefNo" => "T".date('YmdHisu'), // transaction reference no
"pp_Frequency" => "SINGLE",
"InstrumentDTO" => [
"pp_CustomerCardNumber" => "",
"pp_CustomerCardExpiry" => "",
"pp_CustomerCardCvv" => ""
$jc->send(); // json response
// include file
require 'jazzcash/jazzcash.php';
// initialize jazzcash rest api library
$jc = new Jazzcash;
// request type
$jc->reqType = 'Capture';
'pp_TxnRefNo' => '', // transaction number generated from authorized request
'pp_Amount' => '', // amount sent from authorized request
$jc->send(); // json response
// include file
require 'jazzcash/jazzcash.php';
// initialize jazzcash rest api library
$jc = new Jazzcash;
// request type
$jc->reqType = 'Refund';
'pp_TxnRefNo' => '', // transaction number generated from authorized request
'pp_Amount' => '', // amount sent from authorized request
$jc->send(); // json response
// include file
require 'jazzcash/jazzcash.php';
// initialize jazzcash rest api library
$jc = new Jazzcash;
// request type
$jc->reqType = 'PaymentInquiry';
'pp_TxnRefNo' => '', // transaction reference number generated from authorized request
// include file
require 'jazzcash/jazzcash.php';
// initialize jazzcash rest api library
$jc = new Jazzcash;
// request type
$jc->reqType = 'Void';
'pp_TxnRefNo' => '' // transaction reference number generated from authorized request
for any bugs or inquiry feel free to report issue in repository or mail bugs@rafayhingoro.me