A rudimentary chatbot with speech recognition powered by using Carnegie Mellon University's Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx libraries. The server and client that this project uses were written in C.
This project was made by:
Rafael Zarate (https://github.com/RafaelZarate)
Isamar Hodge (https://github.com/isahodge)
Maya Soni (https://github.com/msoni122)
Josh Meier (https://github.com/fakejoshmeier)
By prefacing all queries with the bot's name, Meido-chan (May-do chan), one can ask the bot for the weather (defaults to Fremont, CA), for the time, to send emails, check who is logged on at the time, play music, change brightness, or check the history. There are also some Ostara eggs.