
The Ultimate Tech Blogging Hugo Theme

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The Ultimate Tech Blogging Theme



You can see live demo of this theme for my blog at rafed.github.io/devra.


Site features

  • Google search bar
  • Google Analytics (v4)
  • Share bar below articles for sharing across social media
  • Social links place holder for linking with different social media
  • Comments with Disqus
  • Customizable navbar
  • Mobile responsive- works great across desktops, tablets and mobiles
  • SEO friendly (Opengraph, Twitter cards)
  • Admin panel to see site summary (number of posts, tags, sections)

Blogging features

  • Attractive landing page with article/tag links everywhere
  • Add featured images to posts
  • Making sections for related articles (for example tutorials on a topic)
  • Add code snippets
  • Add math equations
  • Add diagrams with mermaid
  • Add tags to articles and list articles by tags

Installation & Update

You will need to download Hugo extended versions to build your site with this theme. Search and download it from the releases page.

$ # install
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git submodule add https://github.com/rafed/BlogRa.git BlogRa

$ # update
$ git submodule update --remote --merge

If you want to know more information, see Hugo doc.

config.toml example

baseURL = "https://example.com/"
pluralizeListTitles = false
summaryLength   = 25

theme           = "BlogRa"
languageCode    = "en-us"
title           = "BlogRa Theme"

disqusShortname = ""

    description     = "The Ultimate Tech Blogging Theme"
    contactEmail    = "your-email@domain.com"
    footer          = ""
    googleSearch    = "google-cse-key"
    googleAnalytics = "G-A1B2C3D4E5" # v4
    adsense         = "adsense-key"
    math            = false   # best to enable this in the front matter of a page
    mermaid         = false   # best to enable this in the front matter of a page

    # Social Media Params
    facebook   = "https://www.facebook.com/DevHacker-2351204168278028"
    twitter    = ""
    youtube    = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6uDg4IlPbLh2xNKrqnBczw"
    instagram  = ""
    github     = "https://github.com/rafed"
    pinterest  = ""
    linkedin   = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafed-m-yasir/"

# Configure the site menu here
        name = "Home"
        url = "/"
        weight = 1

        identifier = "blog"
        name = "Blog"
        weight = 2
                parent = "blog"
                name = "Posts"
                url = "/posts/"
                weight = 1
                parent = "blog"
                name = "Sections"
                url = "/sections/"
                weight = 2
                parent = "blog"
                name = "divider"
                weight = 3
                parent = "blog"
                name = "Tags"
                url = "/tags/"
                weight = 4
        name = "About"
        url = "/about/"
        weight = 3
        name = "Contact"
        url = "/contact/"
        weight = 4

# Don't touch this
    unsafe = true

Frontmatter example

title: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}
date: {{ now.Format "2006-01-2" }}
tags: [tag1, tag2]
image: "blog-pic.png"
description: "A smalll optional description"
math: true              # to enable showing equations (katex)
mermaid: true           # to add diagrams using mermaid


If you find problems in the theme submit an issue. Also, contributions/pull requests are welcome.