You know, for Query - java edition
usage: elseql [--host=host:port] [--csv|--json|--xml|--native] "query"
--host: ES server name and port (default localhost:9200)
--csv: format results as CSV (one line per record, comma separated fields)
--json: format results as JSON (array of JSON objects)
--xml: format results as XML (list of items)
--native: return ES result as-is
By default elseql will try to connect to localhost:9200
host and port can be specified on the command line using the "--host" option (see USAGE)
host and port can also be specified via the environment variable ELSEQL_HOST
If the ElasticSearch server is behind a firewall (or listening only for localhost connections) but the machine is running an SSH daemon, elseql also accept "tunnel" connections (it will tunnel ES HTTP requests over SSH) by specifying the host URL as 'tunnel:user:password@remotehost:remoteport'. This will create a tunnell from localhost:remoteport to remotehost:remoteport using the appropriate credentials. For now only password authentication is supported. For simplification currently you cannot specify a local port different than the remote port
SELECT {fields|*}
[FACETS facet-fields]
[SCRIPT script-field = 'script']
FROM index
[WHERE where-condition]
[FILTER filter-condition]
[ORDERY BY order-fields]
[LIMIT [start,] count]
where: fields: '*' or comma-separated list of field names to be returned
facet-fields: comma-separated list of fields to execute a facet query on
script-field: name of script field, to be used in select clause
script: ElasticSearch script
index: index to query
{field-name} [ = != > >= < <= ] {value}
{field-name} LIKE {value}
{field-name} IN (value1, value2, ...)
{field-name} BETWEEN {min-value} AND {max-value}
NOT {where-condition}
{where-condition} AND {where-condition}
{where-condition} OR {where-condition}
or where-condition:
'query in Lucene syntax'
QUERY {where-condition} - query filter, same syntax as where condition
EXIST {field-name} - exists field filter
MISSING {field.name} - missing field filter
order-fields: comma-separated list of {field-name} [ASC | DESC]
start: start index for pagination
count: maximum number of returned results