Go bindings for https://ultralig.ht/
Initial work to implement Go bindiongs for Ultralight (https://github.com/ultralight-ux/ultralight).
For now this requires a few manual steps:
Get a recent version of the Ultralight SDK. Best option for now is to clone the Ultralight repository and build it locally.
Copy/link the Ultralight SDK in this folder. If you built locally, the SDK is in {repo}/build/SDK.
Enable setting additional CGO LDFLAGS (at least for MacOS):
export CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW=-Wl,-rpath.*
Run example:
go run examples/resize.go
Run browser:
cd examples/browser; make ./browser
The browser needs the HTML assets in examples/browser/assets and expects them in the current directory, so you need to "cd" in there.
It also expects the SDK to be in the current directy, so the Makefile creates a link.