
Python-based API-Wrapper to access Scopus

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Enables large-scale access to Elsevier's Scopus API from Python.

Documentation: https://pybliometrics.readthedocs.io

Development: https://github.com/pybliometrics-dev/pybliometrics

https://readthedocs.org/projects/pybliometrics/badge/?version=stable https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/a4d7edd206a1252dfcfe/maintainability


>>> import pybliometrics
>>> pybliometrics.init()  # read API keys
>>> # Document-specific information
>>> from pybliometrics.scopus import AbstractRetrieval
>>> ab = AbstractRetrieval("10.1016/j.softx.2019.100263")
>>> ab.title
'pybliometrics: Scriptable bibliometrics using a Python interface to Scopus'
>>> ab.publicationName
>>> ab.authors
[Author(auid=57209617104, indexed_name='Rose M.E.', surname='Rose',
 given_name='Michael E.', affiliation='60105007'),
 Author(auid=7004212771, indexed_name='Kitchin J.R.', surname='Kitchin',
 given_name='John R.', affiliation='60027950')]
>>> # Author-specific information
>>> from pybliometrics.scopus import AuthorRetrieval
>>> au2 = AuthorRetrieval(ab.authors[1].auid)
>>> au2.h_index
>>> au1 = AuthorRetrieval(ab.authors[0].auid)
>>> au1.affiliation_current
[Affiliation(id=60105007, parent=None, type='parent', relationship='author',
 afdispname=None, preferred_name='Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition',
 parent_preferred_name=None, country_code='deu', country='Germany',
 address_part='Marstallplatz 1', city='Munich', state='Bayern',
 postal_code='80539', org_domain='ip.mpg.de', org_URL='http://www.ip.mpg.de/')]
>>> # Affiliation information
>>> from pybliometrics.scopus import AffiliationRetrieval
>>> aff1 = AffiliationRetrieval(au1.affiliation_current[0].id)
>>> aff1.author_count


Install the stable version from PyPI:

pip install pybliometrics

or the development version from the GitHub repository (requires git on your system):

pip install git+https://github.com/pybliometrics-dev/pybliometrics


If pybliometrics helped you getting data for research, please cite our corresponding paper:

Citing the paper helps the development of pybliometrics, because it justifies funneling resources into the development. It also signals that you obtained data from Scopus in a transparent and replicable way.

Change log

Please see CHANGES.rst.


Please see CONTRIBUTING.rst. For a list of contributors see AUTHORS.rst.


MIT License; see LICENSE.