The European Constitution for Humans

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The European Constitution for Humans

A constituting text should be understandable by everyone, and should give freedom and space of interpretation to the people.

This is what the text below aims for: writing down the main principles that should govern the European Constitution in an understandable manner.

The European Constitution is rooted on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

All European entities have the same and equal duties towards its citizens for the proper application of the Universal Human Rights, without any distinction of national citizenship.

All Citizens of European Countries are European Citizens

In particular, any Individual having citizenship of any of the European Countries becomes immediately equal to any other European Citizens in all their Rights and their Duties as European Citizen.

All European Citizens have the same rights regarding their health and their environment

Each European Citizen has the Rights to benefit from a better health, cleaner and sustainable environment. Those Rights have a global geographical scope within Europe, without any citizenship or border distinction, and cannot be alienated by any entity (whether European or non-European).

The Europe promotes the improvement of the health and environment in all possible ways, and its practices should always be guided by the highest existing or possible standards in those matters.

All European Citizens are equal regarding their social rights (within Europe)

No distinction of any kind regarding the social care can be made for any European Citizen, especially based on their citizenship or their geographic residence within Europe.