
Ansible roles for installing and configuring Python3 for Atlassian Bamboo build agents (OSX/Linux/Win) Edit

Atlassian Bamboo agent Python3 role

Installs python3 from an installer or Debian packages into a remote machine and declares the python3 as a Bamboo system command capability.


This role does not have any particular requirement, except that the installers need to be available for Windows and OSX (no brew or chocolatey involved, no Internet connexion needed). On Ubuntu, it relies on the OS packaging system, so an Internet connexion is required.

Role Variables

variable default meaning
python3_version required the exact version of python3
python3_installer required the installer file (OSX, Windows)
bamboo_capabilities (empty dict) capabilities that will be populated by the role.
windows_python3_installation_folder C:\Python37 Installation folder for Windows.

Capabilities declared by the role

capability value
system.builder.command.python${version.major}.${version.minor} location of the python3 binary of the given major/minor version

Variables and tags

  • Ubuntu: apt-get install is used on this platform, with the version major and minor coming from the python3_version variable. After the installation python3 location is taken from /usr/bin/
  • OSX: the provided installer from the variable python3_installer is used. This currently should be a .pkg file, python3 location is looked for using the which python3 shell command.

The tags in use by the role are:

  • capability: task filling a capability
  • python3: all tasks of the role
  • installation: task installing new software


A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.

Example Playbook

  • In the inventory file for the osx group, we can have configure the python3 install like the following

      major: 3
      minor: 4
      patch: 3
      file: "/path/to/installer-pkg/python-{{bamboo_python3_version.major}}.{{bamboo_python3_version.minor}}.{{bamboo_python3_version.patch}}-macosx10.6.pkg"
  • In the inventory for linux group, we can just have this:

      major: 3
      minor: 4
      patch: 3

    although we will not be ensured that the patch part will be honoured properly by apt-get

  • then the playbook can be writen like this:

    - hosts: all-bamboo-agents
        - osfile_location: "{% if ansible_distribution=='MacOSX' %}osx{% elif ansible_distribution=='Ubuntu' %}linux{% elif ansible_os_family=='Windows' %}windows{% endif %}"
        - name: Reading the agent capability file
            name: atlassian-bambooagent-role
            tasks_from: read_capability
        # Adding python3 role to the agent
        - role: bamboo-agent-python3
          python3_version: "{{ bamboo_python3_version }}"
          python3_installer: "{{ bamboo_python3_installer }}"
        - name: Updating the agent capability file
            name: atlassian-bambooagent-role
            tasks_from: write_capability



Author Information

Raffi Enficiaud (see GitHub account for more details).