Ansible Django Webapp Prepare Host Role

Installs the necessary packages and services on a host for running a Django application and their deployment scripts.

This Ansible role performs the following:

  • it creates a deployment user and installs its public key for remote login. The user will then be allowed to log in via ssh (or scp an archive), and deploy a new version of the Django application via a script (see role )
  • it installs the necessary packages such as NGINX or Apache, uWSGI (and pip, virtualenv for python2)
  • it gives the deployment user the permissions to restart uWSGI


Currently works (tested) only on Ubuntu, but should be easily adaptable to any other Linux variant.

Role Variables

variable default meaning
django_deployment_user required the user that will perform the deployments
webserver nginx the type of webserver serving the application (in front of uWSGI). Supported values are apache2 and nginx
django_deployment_user_ssh_public_key required the ssh key of the deployment user
host_additional_packages [] additional packages to install on the host, if your web application needs eg. rabbitmq
python_major required (defaults to 2) Major version of python

After deployment, the user will not be allowed to change his home folder content.


This role is just a preliminary host setup for the raffienficiaud.ansible-django-webapp-deployment-role role. Some design choices:

  • the design is such that it is possible to deploy several applications on the same server
  • the link between the web server and uWSGI is through Unix sockets (better performances)
  • the role uses uWSGI for making the link between the webserver (Apache or NGinx) and the Django application. Only Debian/Ubuntu packages (uWSGI, NGinx/Apache) is supported.
  • the role has support for both python2 and python3. Only required packages are installed by this role. For Python3 only versions that have support for packages venv and pip are supported (>= python 3.3).
  • django 2.0+ requires python3
  • the SSH key can be installed later, depending on the needs, it should only be able to execute the deployment script and copy files to a version store on the server.





Author Information

Any comments on the Ansible, PR or bug reports are welcome from the corresponding Github project.