This repository is part of the Selenium and Python practice to build the Marionette Bot architecture, which serves as an example, and its function is to browse the web page, do a search and obtain the quantity of results of this, in addition to storing the data in a TXT file.
The libraries that we are going to use in this practice are the following:
- webdrivermanager >= 0.10.0
- pyvirtualdisplay >= 3.0
- selenium >= 4.5.0
Creating the virtual space allows us to have a controlled space where we can install libraries without affecting the entire python environment that we have on our server or personal computer.
$ python -m venv env
How to activate our environment isolate or virtual environment, Once you enter the following line of code you will see (env) at the beginning of your workspace or terminal
$ . ./env/bin/activate
How to install the Python libraries in our environment.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The last and most satisfactory step is to execute our code and wait for the results and we do it in the following way
$ python