- adithep
- alkavanIsrael
- amitpdevNester, Ingeo, Blobix
- amsardesai@makenotion
- beguene
- code-geekerFreelancer
- dalazx
- dmelamedclCloudLock
- Firef0xManchester City Futebol Clube
- gamontal@microsoft
- gcolluraOpal Security
- golanig
- hiroshiro
- hoffi@adigi-ai
- iliavolyovaZagreb
- ingsmeUniversity of Bergen
- jalcineOccupied Lands of Turtle Island
- jameslzhu@NVIDIA
- jochenvdv@cloudfieldbv
- lambdalisueFixpoint, Inc.
- lobidaLEGO Group
- mnowotnikPoland
- nivcaspi
- raivivek
- rearrangeKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- richardelloydSelf Employed
- scancel
- solarsailerPixelnest
- sunaku
- tedokon@buckmoon Inc
- vakoselAthens, Greece
- vvip
- vyp
- yakirhSortex
- YanivDIsrael
- YazzyYazCelestia Labs