Simple Laravel wrapper for MuthoFun SMS Gateway API
composer require devfaysal/laravel-muthofun-sms
Optionally Publish Config File
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Devfaysal\Muthofun\MuthofunServiceProvider"
Copy the api key from and add to the .env file.
MUTHOFUN_API_KEY="Token 1f2d5f6e9e9e8r5d5s5s6f9f"
If you were using the old API, follow the steps to upgrade
- If you publised the config file, republish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Devfaysal\Muthofun\MuthofunServiceProvider" --force
- Remove old username and password from config or .env file
- add new api key to the .env file
Send SMS to Single recipient
use Devfaysal\Muthofun\Facades\Muthofun;
Muthofun::send('01717012345' , 'Your Message!!');
//Returns status code. 200 for success
Send SMS to Multiple recipients
use Devfaysal\Muthofun\Facades\Muthofun;
$users = [
Muthofun::send($users , 'Your Message!!');
//Returns status code. 200 for success
Delivery report
use Devfaysal\Muthofun\Facades\Muthofun;
//Returns array
"shoot_id" => "R200008462443416b5e06"
"receiver" => "8801671012345"
"sender_id" => "8809601000000"
"operator_name" => "Airtel"
"sms_type" => "text"
"sms_length" => 24
"sms_count" => 1
"sms_body" => "Testing package from app"
"sms_rate" => 0.25
"sms_cost" => 0.25
"status" => "Delivered"
"created_at" => "2022-03-30T16:42:28.797410+06:00"
"shoot_id" => "R2000084624434169918a"
"receiver" => "8801717012345"
"sender_id" => "8809601000000"
"operator_name" => "GP"
"sms_type" => "text"
"sms_length" => 24
"sms_count" => 1
"sms_body" => "Testing package from app"
"sms_rate" => 0.25
"sms_cost" => 0.25
"status" => "Delivered"
"created_at" => "2022-03-30T16:42:28.782344+06:00"
Account balance
use Devfaysal\Muthofun\Facades\Muthofun;
//Get only balance
//Returns balance in BDT
//Get details balance information
//Returns array
"code" => 200
"message" => "User balance received successfully!"
"balance" => 3.5
"expiry" => "2022-04-28T11:05:21.671640Z"
- Sending Personalized SMS (Send different message for different recipient.)
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.