It is a Laravel 11 Vue 3 Vite based demo project reflecting the way of authentication using laravel sanctum and use Vue 3 as frontend framework. Build with love and open source for developers. In this project, there are two profiles one is admin profile and another one is student profile. admin can create quiz and related questions for students. And student can attend quiz, get marks. It includes user authentication, subject-wise quiz attendance, scoring with negative marking, and ranking of users based on their quiz performance.
- User Authentication Module: Implement a secure user authentication system to manage user login and registration.
- Quiz Management: Develop functionalities for creating, managing, and attending quizzes, categorized by subjects.
- Question Bank: Create a database of questions, with provisions for scoring and negative marking for incorrect answers.
- Result Calculation and Ranking System: Implement a system to calculate quiz results and rank users based on their performance.
- Database Schema: Schemas for users, quizzes, questions, and results.
- API Endpoints: API endpoints created to support the functionalities of the system.
- Tech Stack:
- Laravel
- Vue JS
- Composition API - Vue JS
- Tailwind CSS
- Vite
- SQLite/MySQL -- (set via .env)
- PHP ^8.2 (must be installed)
In your root folder, clone the project repository using
git clone
Open ternimal (bash/cmd). Then go to the project folder using command
cd quiz-score
Then install required libraries using (PHP 8.2 required)
composer install
Then create a .env file and generate key for this project using command
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
- Setup MYSQL from .env and use Sqlite (already stored in database folder named -- database.sqlite)
-- to use sqlite you must enable
from php.ini create a database file named database.sqlite in the database folder for sqlite
|-- database.sqlite
for MySQL uncomment this lines
- After connecting the db with project, then run command If you use sqlite, then you don't need to run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Running migrate and db-seed gives you 1 admin account to manage quiz and question and 2 student account to attend quiz
admin credentials
pass: 1234
studen1 credentials
pass: 1234
student2 credentials
pass: 1234
- Then compile all CSS & JS files together using this command
npm install && npm run dev
- Then open another terminal and run this command
php artisan serve
Now you can login with admin credentials to manage quiz and questions and student credentials to attend quiz and get results.
- (Optional) Now you can login with admin credentials and add quiz first and then add questions to that quiz --see project images folder for steps
- (Optional) Now you can login with student credentials and attend quiz
If you found any problem, please feel free to reach me.