
🔥 🔥 Image gallery using MVVM, Hilt, navigation component,paging3, room, kotlin , coroutine ,flow

Primary LanguageKotlin

ImageGallery 🔥 🔥

About the App

A simple image gallery app.Images are coming from this(https://picsum.photos/v2/) api. Images are shown in a list view. User will be able to share the image and download it in local gallery. For network calling coroutine Flow have been used.


Architecture of the App

This app used MVVM pattern and Navigation component. For pagination, Paging3 library has been used.Room db is used for offline cache.Hilt has been used for dependency injection.


Infinite scroll using Paging library

jetpack paging library is used for infinite scroll and pagination https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/paging/v3-overview

Zoom in and Out

image can be zoom in and out

Download image in local storage

Share image with other Apps