
takes in HTTP JSON request - transcodes to gRPC with Envoy proxy and sends requests to different Golang services

Primary LanguageStarlark

Envoy gRPC JSON transcoder with 2 Golang services

takes in HTTP JSON request - transcodes to gRPC with Envoy proxy and sends requests to different Golang services connected to Postgresql Databases

The Task

Given task

Running the services

cd into both the service directories (go-txnmgmt-grpc, go-usermgmt-grpc) and run

go mod tidy

this will install dependencies and packages. Now, Create two postgresql databases and update the connection strings of the servers of both the service

go-usermgmt-grpc > usermgmt_server > usermgmt_server.go > func main() > database_url

go-txnmgmt-grpc > txnmgmt_server > txnmgmt_server.go > func main() > database_url

If the proto files are changed then generate .pb file with this example command (assuming protoc already installed)

protoc -I txnmgmt/googleapi/ -I txnmgmt/ --include_imports --descriptor_set_out=txnmgmt/txnmgmt.pb txnmgmt/txnmgmt.proto

& generate pb.go file with

protoc -I txnmgmt/googleapi/ -I txnmgmt/ txnmgmt/txnmgmt.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:txnmgmt

Now, run the services with

go run go-usermgmt-grpc/usermgmt_server/usermgmt_server.go
go run go-txnmgmt-grpc/txnmgmt_server/txnmgmt_server.go

To avoid complexity I didn't use any go client - instead I used Insomnia to make gRPC calls. check this video for help.

Running Envoy

Finally, use given yaml file to transcode RESTful JSON API to gRPC using Envoy

envoy --config-path transcode_to_gRPC.yaml

Now, test the endpoints using the given json collection file in the http-request-collection directory & see the ✨Magic✨

N.B. Being new in Golang, I didn't add dependency folders to .gitignore in fear of version mismatch issues. Due to this cloning may take longer than expected