
Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sandbox v2

Branches :

Master :
  • Realm Version with the implementation of PagingSource
Room :
  • Room Version with the default(from room) implementation of PagingSource

Patterns and Libs :

  • The project use Gradle Version catalog FeaturePreview versions and dependencies are in ../gradle/libs.versions.tol
  • 95% of Gradle Scripts and Plugins are in .kts, all Plugins and Scripts are available in build-logic subModule
  • Clean Architecture
  • MVVM pattern
  • Data Binding/ViewBinding
  • Koin for dependency injection
  • Retrofit for REST
  • OkHttp as Client
  • DataStore for Preferences
  • Realm Kotlin SDK for local cache
  • Room SDK for local cache (in Room branch)
  • Material components for styling
  • StateFlows for ui updates (and SharedFlows + LiveData)
  • Coroutines everywhere
  • Jetpack navigation
  • Picasso 🖼
  • UseCase Pattern for data management
  • PagingSource/PagingAdapter/PagingData
  • BottomSheet and RightSheet
  • LeakCanary (disabled because PagingSource..)
  • KSP for annotation processor
  • Kotlin Serialization for serialization
  • Jetpack SplashScreen api
  • Lottie
  • Night mode auto
  • Tests : junit / mockk / robolectric / kluent 😍 / turbine / jetpack scenarios / espresso / custom rules / .....
  • KtLint
  • Jacoco
  • Github Actions
  • Maestro for more Instrumental tests 😍
  • many other things ....

Infos :

  • uiBox module is used as a custom views module for the app
  • uiBox module is used as a custom views module for the app
  • USERNAME : admin
  • PASSWORD : admin

Coming next :

  • Compose [Branch]
  • Hilt instead of Koin [Branch] (won't use Hilt since it is always in Java)

Todo :

  • Replace loading by Facebook Shimmer
  • maybe show more information in item detail view ?
  • convert project to compose 🤩

Api :


Copyrights :

RightSheetBehavior :


Icon and SplashScreen icon :


Lotties :

