
Primary LanguageC#


[enhanced habbo] A multi feature extension for G-Earth.




Re-enters the room instantly (and attempts to prevent room reload in client) when you get kicked.

Anti idle

Prevents your avatar from idling.

Anti idle-out

Prevents your avatar from leaving the room when idling for too long.

Anti trade

Prevents users from initiating a trade with you.

No turn

Prevents you from turning when clicking another user. If except when reselecting user is enabled, you will turn to face another user only if clicking the same user twice within a few seconds.

No walk

Prevents you from walking. If turn towards tile clicked is enabled, you will turn to face that tile instead of moving.

Click to

Allows you to mute, kick, ban, or bounce (ban then unban, this kicks the user without displaying a kick message to them) a user by clicking on them..

Escape from

Escape from staff or ambassadors when they enter the room.


Injects invisible characters between each letter to avoid the bobba filter.
Since this increases the length of your message, it's easy to hit the character limit when writing longer messages.
If localized is enabled, anti-bobba is only applied to text between square brackets.
If you type a [filtered] word, only filtered will have anti-bobba applied to it.
With localized disabled, anti-bobba is applied to your entire chat message.
Warning! These invisible characters are visible on the Unity client, and also in the chat log when a user attempts to report you. Use with caution.

No typing indicator

Prevent your avatar from displaying a typing indicator.


Prevent chat from bots, pets, pet commands, wired messages, respects or scratches from showing.

Show who respected / show total respect count

When a user receives respect, shows who gave the respect and the receiver's total respect count.

Prevent using furni

Prevent using furni when double clicking.

Double-click to show info

Shows some information about a furni (name, identifier, coordinates, direction) when double clicking it.

Double-click to hide

Hides a furni when double clicking it. It can be re-shown by going to the Room > Furni tab, selecting all furni with Ctrl+A, right clicking and selecting show.

Double-click tele to find link

When double clicking a teleporter, if the linking teleporter is also in the room, that teleporter will animate for a second to show which one is linked.

Flash window

Flashes the Habbo window when receiving whispers, when a user or friend chats, when a user or friend enters, or when receiving a private message.

Block HC gift notification

Blocks the useless HC gift notification.



An infinite wardrobe where you can save your avatar's looks.
Import wardrobe will import your in-game wardrobe into the xabbo wardrobe.
Add from clipboard will add all figure strings found in your clipboard to the wardrobe.


A figure randomizer where you can configure the probability of each part appearing in the figure.
By using a base figure and checking lock part/color, individual parts/colors from the base figure can be kept while still randomizing the other parts.



Shows information about the current room.


Shows a list of users in the room.
Users that are currently trading will show a trading icon next to their name.
Right click to enable pets/bots being shown in the list.


Shows a log of visitors who have entered/left the room.


Shows all users banned from the room and allows you to unban specific users.


Shows a list of all furni in the room. Furni can be shown/hidden, picked up or ejected by selecting them and right clicking.



A basic wall item aligner that allows you to adjust the individual coordinate values. Check capture and move a wall item to select it.


Allows you to mimic another user's figure, motto, actions, etc.



Shows a list of all furni loaded from furni data.



/x opens the application window and brings it to the foreground.


/f[urni] h[ide] <name> hides furni in the room.

  • /f h duck will hide furni containing "duck" in its name: "Rubber Duck", "Skeleduck", etc.

/f[urni] s[how] <name> shows furni in the room.

/f[urni] p[ickup] <name> picks up furni in the room owned by you.

/f[urni] e[ject] <name> ejects furni in the room that are not owned by you.


/mute <name> <duration>(h|m) mutes a user for the specified number of h(ours) or m(inutes).

  • /mute user 24h will mute user for 24 hours

/unmute <name> unmutes the specified user.

/kick <name> kicks the specified user.

/ban <name> [hour|day|perm] bans the specified user for an hour, a day or permanently. Duration defaults to an hour. If the user is not in the room they will be added to a temporary list (cleared when leaving the room) and banned when they next enter.


/fx <name> enables the effect specified by its name. This will not consume an effect, and the effect will not be enabled if it has not been activated.

  • /fx mer will enable the Merdragon effect. (Rain effect from the Totem set)

/fxa <name> activates the effect specified by its name. This will consume the effect if it is not currently activated.

/dropfx removes an effect applied by a furni, this works by quickly enabling and disabling the lightsaber effect.


/find <name> finds which room a friend is currently in. The name doesn't need to match their full username.


/p[rofile] <name> or /p id:<id> opens a user's profile specified by their name or ID.

  • /p 1234 will open user "1234"'s profile, /p id:1234 will open the profile of the user with ID 1234.

/g[roup] <id> opens information of the group with the specified ID.


/t[urn] <dir> makes your avatar turn to a specified direction.
dir can be one of n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w or nw.

Moodlights / toners

/mood toggles the moodlight on/off.

/mood settings opens the moodlight settings.

/bg toggles the background toner on/off.

/bg <hex> sets the background toner to the specified hex color.


/go <text> searches the navigator for the specified text and enters the first room in the results.

/goto <id> enters the room with the specified ID.

/exit leaves the room.

/reload re-enters the current room.

/trigger triggers the room entry wired.


/motto <text> sets your motto to the specified text.

Cancelling long operations

Use /cancel or /c to cancel long operations initiated by commands such as picking up furni in a room.