
puredata and touch-osc interface for Panoramix


puredata and touch-osc interface was made to automate audio-spatialization with panoramix (ircam).

In Touch-OSC you'll see 4 Banks each with 4 Units. Every unit remotes azimuth and distance for a channel in panoramix.



- shows current position of soundsource
- manual control (manual-mode / rec-mode)
- red dot in the upper right corner shows audioactivity 
  (enabled by panoramix-projectfile)
- centertext: actual mode
- frametext: direction
- startup-text: is hidden but appears on changing 
  direction and mode


|              led |
|                  |
|      polar       |
|                  |
|                  |
| speed     | mode |
| radius    | dir  |
|     |     |      |
|     |     |------|
|     |     | send |

- dir = direction
- send = send to panoramix toggle


|              led |
|                  |
|      cart        |
|                  |
|                  |
| speed-x   | mode |
| radius-x  | dir-x|
| spe | rad | dir-y|
| ed  | ius |------|
| -y  | -y  | send |

- dir = direction
- send = send to panoramix toggle


Not Ready yet.

How to:

- buy and install touch-osc on your smartphone
- download touch-osc editor to your computer
- upload iosx.touchosc via touch-osc editor to your smartphone (build on iPhone-Xr)
- put the pd-touch folder in puredata path
- open master.pd 
- install required externals
- follow project-instructions