
Rangle's Angular/TypeScript/Webpack Starter Project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular/TypeScript/Webpack Starter

This is the initial version of our starter project using Angular 1.x, TypeScript and Webpack to tie it all together.


  • npm install: install npm dependencies specified in package.json as well as typings specified in tsd.json (typings will be put into typings folder which is also git ignored).

  • postinstall: runs automatically after npm install and triggers a npm run build to provide a build directory to npm start by default

  • npm run dev: will start webpack's development server (with live reloading) on http://localhost:8080. Note that in this case the bundle will be generated in memory and your bundle in dist might get out of sync.

  • npm start: starts a production server serving the dist directory on http://localhost:3000

  • npm run build: bundle all of the application including js/css/html files, with index.html generated according to a template specified in index.html (Everything will be put into dist folder).

  • npm test: will run the unit tests for the project as specified in karma.conf.js (everything ending in .test.ts will ge picked up, refer to src/tests.entry.ts if other extensions should be used).

  • npm run e2e: will run the e2e suite for this project located in e2e (refer to wdio.conf.js and gulpfile.js for more info, this is the only gulp dependency).

  • npm run typings: removes existing typings located in typings directory, reinstalls them based on tsd.json, and links whatever is available in node_modules (using tsd link).


This is an initial version of this setup and will be expanded in the future. Refer to the issues section to see what needs to be done, or create a new one.

If something doesn't work

Refer to the issues section to see if this has already been logged. Otherwise create a new issue.

Example Application

At the moment, a modified fork of ngcourse-next application is in the repository. The purpose of it is to set some code structure conventions, as well as to provide a test best for css bundling, unit test setup, e2e tests setup etc. etc.