
🛡️ 🔒 This project's goal is to be simple to create and destroy your own VPN service using WireGuard.

Primary LanguageHCL

About The Project

This project goal to be simple to create and destroy your own VPN service using WireGuard.


  • Terraform
  • Ansible

How to Deploy


Run with sudo is necessary because we need permission on localhost to install packages, configure a network interface and start a process.

You can change the region or key name in the variable.tf

  • Initialize Terraform
terraform init
  • Plan our modifications
sudo terraform plan
  • Apply the changes
sudo terraform apply
  • Test the connection without VPN
curl ipinfo.io/ip
  • Start VPN
sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0
  • Test the connection with VPN
curl ipinfo.io/ip

🧹 Cleanup

  • Just run:
sudo terraform destroy

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues.

🛣️ Roadmap

  • Work🤣
  • Linux client(Debian and RedHat base)
  • Terraform to deploy server on AWS
  • Linux client (other bases)
  • Mac client
  • Add other cloud providers


👤 João Freire