=============== C A M E L I D E =============== Camelide is an interpreter for Dedukti, written for OCaml. The source code is available on GitHub at: https://github.com/aliassaf/camelide You need OCaml to compile it. It was tested with OCaml 3.12.0, but previous versions should work just as well. To compile, simply run make in the main directory. It will produce an executable named 'camelide'. Usage: ./camelide <options> <file> -v <level> Set verbosity level -help Display this list of options --help Display this list of options It is recommended to use option -v 1 or -v 2 on large files to follow the progress of the type checking. For more information on Dedukti, visit: http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/dedukti/ For feedback or bug reports, please visit the GitHub page, or send an email to: ali.assaf@inria.fr