
Basic command-line program that performs plagiarism detection using a N-tuple comparison algorithm allowing for synonyms in the text.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Basic command-line program that performs plagiarism detection using a N-tuple comparison algorithm allowing for synonyms in the text.

Sample Usage using Gradle wrapper

``` $ ./gradlew build run :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-TO-DATE :jar UP-TO-DATE :assemble UP-TO-DATE :compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :processTestResources UP-TO-DATE :testClasses UP-TO-DATE :test UP-TO-DATE :check UP-TO-DATE :build UP-TO-DATE :run Running Test Synonyms File: synonyms.txt run sprint jog

Tuple File: file1.txt go for a run

Tuple File: file2.txt go for a jog

Num matches 2 % of tuples that match: 100.0 Synonyms File: synonyms.txt run sprint jog

Tuple File: file1.txt go for a run

Tuple File: file3.txt went for a jog

Num matches 1 % of tuples that match: 50.0 SUCCESS: Tests passed


Total time: 2.798 secs

<h3>Sample Usage using Command Line</h3>

Run with no args to execute the internal tests

$ java -cp bin com.kellyfj.PlagiarismDetector Running Test Synonyms File: synonyms.txt run sprint jog

Tuple File: file1.txt go for a run

Tuple File: file2.txt go for a jog

Num matches 2 % of tuples that match: 100.0 Synonyms File: synonyms.txt run sprint jog

Tuple File: file1.txt go for a run

Tuple File: file3.txt went for a jog

Num matches 1 % of tuples that match: 50.0 SUCCESS: Tests passed [

Run with arguments 

arg1 = file containing synonyms arg2 = file containing strings to compare arg3 = file containing our baseline strings to compare against arg4 = [Optional] Size of each nTuple


$ java -cp bin com.kellyfj.PlagiarismDetector synonyms.txt file1.txt file2.txt Synonyms File: synonyms.txt run sprint jog

Tuple File: file1.txt go for a run

Tuple File: file2.txt go for a jog

Num matches 2 % of tuples that match: 100.0


$ java -cp bin com.kellyfj.PlagiarismDetector synonyms.txt file1.txt file2.txt 2 Synonyms File: synonyms.txt run sprint jog

Tuple File: file1.txt go for a run

Tuple File: file2.txt go for a jog

Num matches 3 % of tuples that match: 100.0