
Place people into groups based on ranked preferences

Primary LanguagePython

When running an event or teaching a class, you might need to divvy people up into groups. Ask them which group they'd like to be put in. Then, use this script to divvy them up in a way that satisfies everyone's preferences as much as possible.

How to use this

Put everyone's preferences in prefs.csv. Here's an example of what that might look like:


This means that Alice put group1 as her first choice, group2 as her second choice, and so on.

How big can the groups get? Write that in capacities.csv. For example:


To run the script:

python sort.py prefs.csv capacities.csv -100,50,100,200

The numbers shown here mean that giving someone their first choice is good (it has a "negative cost" of -100), giving someone their second choice is slightly bad (it has a cost of 50), giving someone their third choice is worse (it has a cost of 100), and giving someone their fourth choice is really bad (cost of 200).

By playing with these numbers you can, for example, choose between a scenario where most people get their first choice but some get their third choice, and a scenario where about half get their first choice and half get their second choice.


You'll need to install networkx:

pip install networkx


The code is mostly not mine but is taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21317213/sorting-people-into-groups-based-on-votes