Instructions to run this project

1. Clone this project from github:

2. Configure docker compose:

docker-compose.yml from docker-compose-example.yml

3. Build and run docker:

docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d

4. Configure ENV:

.env from .env,example

5. Update dependencies:

docker exec -it <php-container-name> composer update

6. To create DB:

docker exec -it <php-container-name> php bin/console doctrine:database:create

7. Make migration:

  • docker exec -it <php-container-name> mkdir migrations
  • docker exec -it <php-container-name> php bin/console make:migration

8. Apply migration changes to DB:

docker exec -it <php-container-name> php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

9. Application Url (Default):


10. RabbitMQ Dashboard Url (Default):


Search Instruction

  • If a company is searched by a single registration code then it fetches and stores data immediately.
  • If a company is searched by a comma separated strng then it fetches and stores data in the background using RabbitMQ.