About This Project

  • Laravel Version 8.75
  • PHP Version 8.3

Instruction to run this project

  • COPY .env.example to .env
  • COPY docker-compose-example.yaml to docker-compose-example.yaml and configure http port
  • RUN docker-compose build && docker-compose up
  • RUN docker-exec -it <php-container-name> /bin/bash
  • RUN composer install inside container

Now the application should be ready to use


  • RUN php artisan config:clear inside container
  • RUN php artisan test inside container


  • Added cache on both API fetch. For now ttl value is static.
  • Implemented queued event-driver mail sending service.
  • Couldn't test mail sending for configuration difficulties.

If you face any difficulty running this project please send me an email at rafsanhasin@gmail.com