
A group event will be created by an user. The group event should run for a whole number of days e.g.. 30 or 60. There should be attributes to set and update the start, end and duration of the event and calculate the missing value if 2 are given. The event also has a name, description (which supports formatting) and location. The event should be draft or published. To publish all of the fields are required, it can be saved with only a subset of fields before it’s published. When the event is deleted/remove it should be kept in the database and marked as such.


Write an AR model, spec and migration for a GroupEvent that would meet the needs of the description above. Then write the api controller and spec to support JSON request/responses to manage these GroupEvents. For the purposes of this exercise, ignore auth. Please provide your solution as a rails app called exercise_YYMMDD_yourname, sent as a zip file.