
my vim dotfiles (written from scratch)

Primary LanguageVim Script


my vim dotfiles (written from scratch)


My trusty vim-config stopped working with the version of macvim I was able to get from brew. I realized I understood so little about how this config worked and what was in it that I could not troubleshoot it whatsoever. The state of the art for vim has advanced significantly since the old config was written, so it made sense to start from scratch and make choices consistent with my preferences. Using vim-plug allows me to abandon the tortuous git submodule patterns of the past. There were also a handful of conveniences in the old config that led to bad habits (e.g. save on change focus, nice, but also means with terminal vims I would constantly forget to save). Lastly, I now have the opportunity to build up a more intelligiable git commit history for the config and make sure the rc is well commented.


symlink this repo to ~/.vim, symlink .vimrc to ~/.vim/vimrc, and symlink .gvimrc to ~/.vim/gvimrc.

Assuming you installed this repo into ~/workspace/my-vim

ln -s ~/workspace/my-vim ~/.vim
ln -s ~/workspace/my-vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/workspace/my-vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc


brew install nvm #node version manager, node is a dependency for CoC code completion. There is some extra setup post install

Stop here and make sure your shell is setup to run nvm

nvm install node #installs latest node.
brew install fzf #yeah I assume you're on osx and using brew, otherwise install fzf somehow. :). This allows ctrl-p fuzzy finding
brew install rg #yeah I assume you're on osx and using brew, otherwise install rg somehow. :). This allows :Rg find all in files

Ruby Code Completion/Parsing

For each project, in the root dir, you'll want to:

gem install solargraph
solargraph config
echo ".solargraph.yml" >> .gitignore

Solargraph should map your project when opened with vim. (Hot tip! gd will jump to a class definition. "Go to Definition" is a good mnemonic).