Arch Linux [i3-gaps + i3blocks + Zsh + Spacemacs + Rofi + Neofetch]
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Welcome to my dotfiles! I was struggling to find a Zsh theme and that had what I was looking for so I made my own theme using Powerlevel9k!
I then wrote my i3-gaps and i3blocks configs to look gorgeous and to make my workflow smoother.
I'm including some screenshots on this repo and a list of dependencies in case you want to clone/fork my config
For the Shell:
Package | Description |
Arch Linux | The best distro ever! |
Zsh | The most powerful shell out there! |
Powerlevel9k | The most awesome Powerline theme for ZSH around! |
acpi | To monitor the battery status |
neofetch | A fast, highly customizable system info script |
Nerd Fonts | Fonts patched with lots of amazing icons (I use Source Code Pro) |
For the window manager:
Package | Description |
i3-gaps | i3wm with more features |
i3blocks | A replacement for the default i3status with more features |
Nerd Fonts | Fonts patched with lots of amazing icons (I use Source Code Pro) |
Rofi | A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement |
Compton | A compositor for X, to get window transparency and avoid tearing and vsync issues |
Playerctl | To display current song on i3blocks |
Feh | Image viewer, useful to set a wallpaper |
xfce4-power-manager | Simple way to monitor battery status |
xfce4-notifyd | Helpful to get GTK notifications like current song or battery status |
pacman-contrib | Contributed scripts and tools for pacman systems |