
Automatic .proto files compilation in Unity project to C# as you edit them.

Primary LanguageC#


Sirawat Pitaksarit / 5argon - Exceed7 Experiments


Do you want to integrate protobuf as a data class, game saves, message to the server, etc. in your game? Now you can put those .proto files directly in the project, work on it, and have this generate the classes for you.


  1. When you write a .proto file normally you need to use the protoc command line to generate C# classes. This plugin automatically find all your .proto files in your Unity project, generate them all, and output respective class file at the same place as the .proto file. It automatically regenerate when you change any .proto file.

If there is an error the plugin will report via the Console.

  1. Now, your generated class will contains using Google.Protobuf. Officially Google provides NuGet package to work with generated class at https://github.com/google/protobuf/tree/master/csharp but it is for .NET 4.6. If you use Unity2017 and switch on .NET 4.6 in PlayerSettings you will have an option to use Google's official package, but if you stay with .NET 3.5 you need to use the unofficial modified package like https://github.com/emikra/protobuf3-cs.

On iOS, there is a problem with Apple does not allow JIT compile on runtime which prevents protobuf usage. It can be solved with Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_REFLECTION_SERIALIZER", "yes"); before any protobuf use, but it works only on .NET 4.6. (I tried on 3.5 and the error about JIT still comes up)

I bundled the 2017/05/02 protobuf but you can check at https://www.nuget.org/packages/Google.Protobuf if there are any updates.


  1. Put files in your Unity project
  2. You can access the settings in Preferences > Protobuf. Here you need to put a path to your protoc executable.


  1. As soon as you import/reimport/modify (but not moving) .proto file in your project, it will compile only that file to the same location as the file. If you want to temporary stop this there is a checkbox in the settings, then you can manually push the button in there if you like. Note that deleting .proto file will not remove its generated class.


Requires protoc. This plugin does not include protoc command and will try to run it from your command line (via .NET System.Diagnostics.Process.Start). Please see https://github.com/google/protobuf and install it. Confirm with protoc --version in your command prompt/terminal.

Some notes about Protocol Buffer

For complete understanding I suggest you visit Google's document but here are some gotchas you might want to know before starting.

  • Use CamelCase (with an initial capital) for message names – for example, SongServerRequest. Use underscore_separated_names for field names – for example, song_name.
  • By default of C# protoc, the underscore_names will become PascalCase and camelCase in the generated code.
  • .proto file name matters and Google suggests you use underscore_names.proto. It will become the output file name in PascalCase. (Does not related to the file's content or the message definition inside at all.)
  • Field index 1 to 15 has the lowest storage overhead so put fields that likely to occur often in this range.
  • The generated C# class will has sealed partial.
  • You cannot use enum as map's key.
  • It's not int but int32. And this data type is not efficient for negative number. (In that case use sint32)


code compare


Works on macOS. Untested on Windows/Linux since I am not developing games in those environments. If you encountered any problems please use the Issue section or send a PR if you manages to fix it. Thank you.


As this includes protobuf you need to follow Google's license here : https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/LICENSE

For my own Unity code the license is MIT without requiring any attributions. (The part where it says "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software." is not required.) You are welcome to include it if you want.